Puce Stamps Series 2023 Puce Stamps were a running joke in the 1962 daily Pogo comic strips by Walt Kelly. The Puce Stamps were making fun of the popularity of trading stamps (with special reference to the widely used Green Stamps). In 2023 however trading stamps are virtually unknown. Kelly's stamp design brought up some 60-year-old memories of pasting the stamps in the stamp books for the minimal cash value -- as a 1960s child any cash of my own was worth wetting and pasting the stamps and in truth the task did reinforce the solid middle class capitalist values of accepting a pointless task, carrying it through to its wasteful completion, and receiving a miniscule reward for participation. Quoting from November 27, 1962: HOWLAND OWL: Them puce stamps is okay far as they goes ... but we ain't pushin' em enough! HOWLAND: We gotta go on the air ... on the teevy ... in magazines an' newspapers ... make the public puce conscious! HOWLAND: America's biggest stamp! The only stamp you don't hafta save in order to get nothin'! HOWLAND: Think of the terrible Christmas presents you won't get from your friends what save puce stamps ... POGO POSSUM: It staggers the brain ... PORKY PINE: An' reels the mind! In 2023, the stamps inspired a desire to participate in the parody more than in the capitalism. Why not, I thought, repeat the joke using new graphic technology? Good exercise in Scalable Vector Graphics, pleasant hours revisiting Kelly's concept from some time in the future, and an end result just as pointless as the original Puce Stamps in Kelly's swamp world.